6sqft new york city: 30+ best wellness products to add to your self-care routine

Apr 13, 2024

30+ best wellness products to add to your self-care routine

April 11, 2024


read full article here: 6sqft

Whether we actually are or not, Americans feel like we’re busier than ever. According to Daniela Wolfe, a burnout prevention, self-care, and work/life balance expert at Best D Life, we often feel like we have a never-ending to-do list and can’t take a moment to relax because there is always something that needs to get done. “However, by planning your time at home – just like you would at work – and creating a schedule and some structure around where your time goes, you can find productivity, success, and the freedom to have the space for fun and relaxation every day,” she says.

The first step is to understand what’s stopping you from properly planning your chores. Wolfe says you may be trying to squeeze too many tasks into a day, or you could be getting distracted or trying to multitask. “Or maybe it’s just trying to keep pushing yourself when your body is exhausted and really should rest.”

She recommends time blocking – planning your time and creating a schedule and some structure. “This helps you protect two extremely precious resources: your time and your focus, and it can also help deter procrastination.” Left unchecked, Wolfe explains that a task that takes three hours can expand to an entire week if you let it.

She points to four benefits of time blocking:

  • Blocking your time creates more time for what matters most, such as time with your loved ones or time resting.
  • Organizing and learning about where your time goes can teach you how to capitalize on your most productive times of the day.
  • Designating specific time for work and chores, and knowing that you have time for yourself later means that you’re less likely to multitask.
  • Fitting in self-care every day helps you to manage stress.

Now that you know how and why to create some “you time,” these are some of the items that can help you focus on yourself.

If you have sensitive skin, it’s not advisable to put just any type of product on it. This sensitive skin collection is designed to provide moisture and nutrition to your skin. It includes a reset cleaning oil, milk and honey cleanser, hyaluronic serum, and milk and honey moisturizer.
Sensitive Skin Collection, $129/Sale $116 at Asthetik Skincare

want to learn more about our self care: expert guide to skincare routine